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Action Research to Improve the Curriculum for Early Childhood Language Education Based on Design Thinking for Prospective Kindergarten Teachers  

Bae, Jee-Hyun (성결대학교 유아교육과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to improve the curriculum of major subjects by constructing and applying design thinking centered 'early childhood language education' for prospective kindergarten teachers, and to cultivate their teaching ability in the classroom. As a result of the study, it is as follows. First, in the improvement of 'early childhood language education' subjects centered on design thinking, the "plan" stage recognizes the problem of interest in language education and the execution of language areas. In the "action" step, they created a interesting stationery for plays that can be actively expressed for young children who are hard to write. In the "re-action after reflection" steps, they have developed creative writing based on the diverse experience of the who have been working on a kindergarten field practice, Second, The meaning of the implementation for the major classes based on the design thinking is listening to young children than given practice, and self-reflection and growth through sympathy and cooperation. The implications of this study are needed to change the various major classes and the experience of problem solving is that it is also helpful for the autonomy and expertise of prospective kindergarten teachers.
Prospective Kindergarten Teachers; Early Childhood Language Education; Design Thinking;
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  • Reference
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