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Female College Students' Perception on Cervical Cancer, HPV Vaccine, HPV Vaccine Campaign  

Jang, Ahnlee (홍익대학교 광고홍보학부)
Kim, YooJung (서정대학교 호텔항공관광학과)
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The purpose of the study is to investigate how females in the 2nd vaccination group(that is, women between the ages of 14-26) perceive cervical cancer, HPV vaccine, and the current campaign on HPV vaccine. In-depth interviews with 19 female college students between the ages of 20-26 revealed that the participants perceive the cervical cancer and vaccine as unimportant due to limited information; they were exposed to related information at random and there were lack of important information; and information provided were viewed as gender-biased. Moreover, social taboo-ness, cost and fear of its side-effects were found to influence women from getting vaccinated. Results show that participants want more fact-based and practical information, information that includes peers and men, as well as a campaign that has more frequent contact and accessibility. Findings of the study can be used for HPV prevention education in the future targeting women between the ages of 13-35. The study provides suggestion for future research and changes needed in HPV vaccine campaigns.
Cervical Cancer; HPV Vaccination; Public Campaign; Qualitative Study;
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