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The Impact of Context Congruity, Perceived Advertising Intrusiveness, and Entertainment on Advertising Effect of Branded Advertisement for Mobile Games: Focusing on Chinese Users  

Pei, ChenYang (성균관대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션학과)
Chang, Byeng-Hee (성균관대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션학과)
Publication Information
The mobile game industry is currently on the rise and is one of the major industries. Recently, advertisements among mobile games are aimed at branded content, unlike existing advertising content. In this study, we conduct a study on the advertisement effectiveness of the attributes of branded advertisements under a mobile game environment. Therefore, the impact of context congruity, perceived advertising intrusiveness and entertainment on advertising attitude, brand attitude and purchasing intention was verified through experimental research on Chinese mobile game users in the 10s and 20s. Analysis of the PLS structural equation model showed that context congruity and entertainment had a significant impact on advertising attitude, but did not have a significant impact on brand attitude. Perceived advertising intrusiveness has no significant impact on advertising attitude and brand attitude. Finally, advertising attitude had a significant influence on purchase intention through brand attitude. Through these findings, we discuss the effectiveness of mobile game branded advertisement and present effective brand advertising strategies.
Branded Advertisement; Context Congruity; Perceived Advertising Intrusiveness; Entertainment; Advertisement Effectiveness;
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