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A study on the Influence of Enterprise Content Management System Success Factors and Task Characteristics on Intention to Use  

Hwang, Inho (국민대학교 교양대학)
Publication Information
As information is recognized as an important asset of an organization, organizations are increasing their resource input for knowledge management. In particular, the enterprise content management system(ECMS) is a solution for organization-oriented content management, and it has high utility by helping to achieve business performance through systematic utilization of content and improve the level of internal information security. The purpose of this study is to suggest a plan to improve the intention to use organizational employee's ECMS and to suggest the effect of the relationships between information system quality characteristics and work environment characteristics on intention to use. In this study, a research hypothesis was presented based on previous studies, a questionnaire was conducted on workers of organizations that adopted an ECMS, and the hypothesis was verified by applying structural equation modeling. As a result of the analysis, information and service quality of the ECMS and task interdependence increased the intention to use, but task conflict decreased the intention to use. In addition, task interdependence and task conflict moderated the positive relationship between the quality factors of the ECMS and the intention to use it. This study has implications in terms of suggesting the direction of the organization's behavior through factors that increase the use of ECMS.
ECMS; Intention to Use; IS Success Factor; Task Conflict; Task Interdependence;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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