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The Feminism Narrative in TV Drama : Breaking the Cliché and Overturning the Order of the Patriarchy  

Kim, Mi-Ra (서울여자대학교 언론영상학부)
Publication Information
This study analysed the narrative strategies in TV drama utilized in order to support the recent feminism movements. The analysis revealed that this TV drama breaks away from the clichéd patriarchal drama series. It portrays the main characters are not the sons but the two daughters-in-law, and represents the women challenging the order of the patriarchy, and resolving the issues. In this drama, men's power was removed and female agents were held up to ridicule. In addition, it eradicates the traditional female conflict structures and creates a strong bond between the females. With this storyline, TV series concludes with two achievements. One, the stepmother and the mother co-parent the child instead of the father, suggests that a non-blood related matriarchal family is possible. Two, the heir to the chaebol family, which is traditionally a patrilineal structure, is not the oldest son or the immoral son, but the lesbian daughter-in-law, overturning the idea of heteronormativity that is dominant in the patriarchal system.
TV Drama Series; Narrative Analysis; Patriarchy; Feminism; Female solidarity;
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  • Reference
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