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A Study of Black Comedy and Creativity Elements in Joon Ho Bong's Films -With Emphasis on -  

Kim, Seong-Hoon (한서대학교 디자인.엔터미디어학부)
Publication Information
is a film that lifted Director Joon Ho Bong and Korea to the world-class level. A number of researchers have released findings of studies on based on their own interests and perspectives. The current study discussed the historical facts of black comedy in film and how black comedy from play has been used for epic characteristics and formal measures, although it was not a specific rule, through the perspectives of contemporary writers, such as Beckett, Ionesco, Durrenmatt, and Brecht. Some tools used for comedies and tragedies shared the same concept with black comedy in film and black comedy was a unique characteristic of film. The study analyzed how black comedy was signified in for paradox and nonalignment of purpose/intent and consequences as epic characteristics and parody, grotesque, and coincidence as formal measures. It also discussed the meaning of Director Bong's black comedy in and how the audience accepted it. Both the contemporary writers and Director Bong has a compassionate perspective, but the his was different from the work of other contemporary writers. Therefore, the study discussed his creativity behind .
Parasite; Joon Ho Bong; Paradox; Nonalignment of Purpose; Intent and Consequences; Parody; Grotesque; Coincidence; Black Comedy;
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  • Reference
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