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Comparison of YouTube Comments on Multicultural Citizens of Korea and Japan over COVID-19 Emergency Relief Funds  

Kown, Saerin (영남대학교 동아시아문화학과)
Publication Information
Korea and Japan share the same view of a single nation state, but there was a difference in the government's COVID-19 emergency relief fund for foreigners. To this end, I analyzed the comments of Korean and Japanese users in YouTube videos related to COVID-19 disaster support funds for foreigners. As a result of the study, As a result, there are many opinions that Korea and Japan are generally sensitive to foreigners' tax payments, and that immigrants can receive national benefits and support like indigenous people if they fulfill their obligations. Next, it can be seen that Korea and Japan recognize each other in common. The difference is that Japan is sensitive to the same nationality, whereas Korea is more focused on tax and money than nationality.
COVID-19; Emergency Relief Fund; YouTube; Single Nation State; Multicultural Perception;
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  • Reference
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