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The Narrative of Catastrophe and the Ethics of Infection in the NETFLIX Drama, The Sweet Home  

Eum, Yeong-Cheol (삼육대학교 글로벌한국학과)
Publication Information
In this paper, the basic narrative of The Sweet Home is the story that the residents of the apartment fight and survive the monsters in the isolated circumstances from the outside. This paper analysed the narrative and revealed the characteristics of the NETFLIX drama, The Sweet Home, and dealt with the ethics of contagion, core issue of the drama. Firstly, in the drama Sweet Home, the boundary between the men and the monsters collapses from the contagion. The drama shows the aspects of the apocalyptical world through the optical images, and reveals the main contagion cause is the desire and fury of the human to dominate the others. In the drama, we can see the duality that the characters sometimes stand in solidarity with, and often abuse the others. This story reflects the times after 2000s that the boundary between the man and the monster eclipses. Secondly, the drama shows that the ethics of the others popping up after the contagion is violent and thus can go to the totalitarianism. When the residents are shot by the troopers of the nation, the governmental authority shows its brutality. In this situation, the residents recognize their past behaviors and embrace the others. However, in the point that the characters' selfless behaviors could cover up the complaints and the fury of young generations after 2000s, The Sweet Home is a problematic drama.
Monster; OTT; NETFLIX; The Sweet Home; Narrative;
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  • Reference
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