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Analyzing Comments of YouTube Video to Measure Use and Gratification Theory Using Videos of Trot Singer, Cho Myung-sub  

Hong, Han-Kook (동의대학교 경영정보학부)
Leem, Byung-hak (부산외국어대학교 경영학부)
Kim, Sam-Moon (동의대학교 소프트웨어공학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to present a qualitative research method for extracting and analyzing the comments written by YouTube video users. To do this, we used YouTube users' feedback to measure the hedonic, social, and utilitarian gratification of use and gratification theory(UGT) through by using analysis and topic modeling. The result of the measurement found that the first reason why users watch the trot singer, Cho Myung-sub's video in the KBS Korean broadcasting channel is to achieve hedonic gratification with high frequency. In word-document network analysis, the degree of centrality was high in words, such as 'cheering', 'thank you', 'fighting', and 'best'. Betweenness centrality is similar to the degree of centrality. Eigenvector centrality also shows that words such as 'love', 'heart', and 'thank you' are the most influential words of users' opinions. The results of the centrality analysis present that the majority of video users show their 'love', 'heart' and 'thank you' for the video. it indicates that the high words in centrality analysis is consistent with the high frequency words of hedonic and social gratification dimension of the UGT. The study has research methodological implication that shed light on the motivations for watching YouTube videos with UGT using text mining techniques that automate qualitative analysis, rather than following a survey-based structural equation model.
Use and Gratification Theory; Social Media Analytics; Topic Modeling; Text Network Analysis;
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