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A Study on the Concept of the Novel's Filmization as Seen through  

Lee, Kang-Suk (동국대학교 영상대학원)
Publication Information
As the times change, the way of enjoying art and the needs of viewers are diversifying, and the filmization of novels that visualize existing works has become a popular genre across the ages. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of providing implications for movie works based on novel works by considering the filmization of novels. However, while there are successful works, works that have been filmized without properly understanding the artist's intention or narrative fail in the box office. In this study, focusing on Lim Woo-sung's . The film did not give a clear answer to the important contents of the novel, "The Violence of Young Hye," and what the meaning of "Flower" means to Young Hye. Because of this, Yeong-hye in the film was portrayed only as a victim of violence pursuing a blind artistic desire, but rather a sensational element. Therefore, it suggested that the filmization of novels is needed in the future to make films work as a medium that can add depth of enjoyment by utilizing the media characteristics of films.
The Vegetarian; Fictionalization; Violence;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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