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[Retracted]The Effect of Self-determination on Quality of Life by the Intellectual Disability Person- Focusing on the effect of controlling family functions -  

Choi, Jang Won (동명대학교 복지경영학과)
Publication Information
This study analyzed the effect of self-determination of the intellectually disabled on the quality of life, focusing on the effect of controlling family functions, with the intellectually disabled as the subject of the study. In order to achieve this goal, it was designated as an intellectual disabled person at the early age of 18 to 25 who were diagnosed with intellectual disabilities, and it was selected as a disabled person living in the community, and it selected major welfare institutions that were most frequently used by people with intellectual disabilities in the early age of 20 years, considering the difficulties of conducting the survey. The research results are as follows. First, "self-determination, psychological capacity, and self-realization" of the intellectually disabled were found to affect the quality of life (physical well-being, physical well-being, social well-being, productive activities and development, psychological and emotional well-being). Second, differences in "self-determination (self-reliance, psychological capacity, self-realization)" did not occur in accordance with the "population statistical. Third, differences occurred in the "quality of life (physical well-being, physical well-being, social well-being, productive activities and development, psychological and emotional well-being" of the intellectually disabled. Fourth, the relationship between "self-determination" and "quality of life" of the intellectually disabled resulted in the adjustment effect of family functions. This study is meaningful in that it demonstrated the service practice that should be provided to people with early adult intellectual disabilities in the field of practice by verifying the relationship between self-determination, family function and quality of life viewed from the perspective of the parties.
Self-determination; Quality of Life; Family Function;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 9  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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