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A Task of the Administrative Function Transfer  

Park, Jong Gwan (백석대학교 법정학부)
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Local decentralization is a rational allocation of power and responsibilities between the state and local governments, but it is not just a transfer of administrative affairs and transfer of funds. In order to look at the task of moving administrative affairs to the districts, this paper first considered the relevant prior study. Next, we looked at the assessment of the level of function transfer and direction of transfer for government employees. Finally, the task for the transfer of functions has been drawn. Revitalizing functions or affair transfers requires the president's firm will and continued support, efforts to divide roles between central and local governments, increased responsibilities of local governments, revitalizing civic participation and establishing democracy. In addition, in order to expand the function transfer problem, the affair allocation system must be newly established. The discussion of such a system should take into account the issue of regional equity as well as financial transfers. Localization through transfer of functions requires, among other things, a change in perception of the relevant groups. Local decentralization requires long-term time and the participation and cooperation of not only the central but also related stakeholders are important, as seen in existing studies and in the nation's experience.
Decentralization; Administrative Affairs; Function Transfer; Transfer;
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