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Comparison of Consumer Media Use Gratification for the Effective Delivery of Fine Dust Information: Applying the Niche Theory  

Song, Eugene (충북대학교 소비자학과)
Kwon, Seol A (충북대학교 국가위기관리연구소)
Ryu, Sang Il (동의대학교 소방방재행정학과)
Publication Information
Fine dust is one of the top ten causes of deaths globally. More than 95% of the world's population are endangered by it. However, as the fine dust problem is difficult to address immediately, people should be informed of its risk and prepared to deal with it. This study explores the methods used to define, efficiently provide, and manage the complementary relationships between various types of media providing risk information utilizing the competitive characteristics of media in niche theory. A survey consisting of 348 Korean university students was conducted over 12 days, to analyze three factors: consumer perception of fine dust, media usage, and media use gratification. The response value for media gratification was substituted in the equation to derive the niche breadth, niche overlap, and competitive superiority. It was found that 1) for providing fine dust forecast and fine dust response guidance information, a smartphone application was the most effective; 2) smartphone applications were limited in providing additional information such as the severity and origin of fine dust, and hence, it is necessary to establish the functionality of the Internet and TV to complement smartphone applications. Thus, a system considering the above should be developed.
Fine Dust; Risk Information; Niche Theory; Niche Breadth; Niche Overlap; Competitive Superiority;
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