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A Study on the Current Statue of Resources Development in Social Welfare Organizations (Focusing on the Residential Facilities for People with Disabilities)  

Jung, Hyun-Kyung (성공회대학교 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
This study identifies the statues of the resource development in residential facilities for people with disabilities to review the current level and propose necessary supporting measures to revitalize resource development in this current time when the importance of resource development is rising for social welfare organizations. Specifically, this study conducted a survey on the current statues and needs for resource development and focus group interviews to acquire in-depth opinions on the need for resource development and supporting measures in 255 nationwide residential facilities for the disabled. The results showed that 50% of the resource development for the residential facilities depended on private donations, while the presence of exclusive workforce made differences among development plans, performance and achievement. Also, their resource development methods were limited around direct requests, such as personal recommendations, as they are faced with challenges such as inadequate related expertise and technologies for resource development, lack of exclusive workforce, and lack of interest in available facilities in the local community. With reference to these findings, this study proposes the following development measures: placement of exclusive workforce, adoption of diverse resource development methods, transparent and reliable resource development, and preparation for systematic step-by-step professional training on resource development.
Resource Development; Fundraising; Residential Facilities for People with Disabilities;
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  • Reference
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