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Analysis on the Ordinance and Implementation of Labor Conditions Improvement of Social Worker:Focused on Busan Metropolitan City and its 16 Subregions  

Kweon, Sin-Jung (부산대학교 사회복지학과)
Cho, Sunyoung (상록병원 사회사업실)
Publication Information
This study investigates the 17 ordinances on the improvement of labor condition and status of social workers in the metropolitan city of Busan that has 16 administrative borough, or gu, and a central headquarter, and further verifies its implementation. Researchers identified the presence of 9 articles in each ordinances, followed by data request being made to all the administrative offices for their implementation. As a result, the articles on obligation, research on the actual condition, support plan and committee establishment have been excluded in many gus, which were in default of implementation or slower than ordinances stipulate. It is suggested that statements about the obligation of the head officers, preceding research on the actual condition before support plan and committee establishment should be made in the independent articles. Regarding its implementation, ordinances are required to have a regulatory power through penalty, reflect the actual demands of social workers in the field and go through a regular evaluation and monitoring on its implementation in order for purpose accomplishment.
Social Worker; Improvement of Labor Condition; Ordinance; Implementation Status; Local Government;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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