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A Buddhist Study on the Effect of Forest Healing  

Seo, Byung-Chan (선문대학교 통합의학)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to analyze forest healing from a Buddhist perspective and improve its effect, and the forest has a close relationship with Buddhism than any religion. the Buddha's life is connected to forest and tree, which is caused by the spiritual nature and role of forest. Healing deals with the problem of suffering of the mind, and in Buddhism, it is solved through practice. By understanding the phenomenon of delusions such as thoughts, greed, and bad feelings about sensory control, vhfptmxmhelps to escape from the desire to pursue unnecessary stimuli or external objects, Human beings can get comfort and pleasure through the five senses in the beautiful natural scenery, and find the stability of the mind. This is because when entering the forest, good environments that prevent the 6th consciousness from growing delusions way the operation of the five senses are contained in the forest, This study is a preliminary study that analyzed the effects based on the natural environmental healing factor and Buddhist theory of forests based on previous studies, As a result of examining whether Buddhism can maximize the healing effect of forest healing, it was confirmed that it can contribute to activation along with existing forest healing techniques, The verification of the effectiveness will be left as a follow-up research project through future experimental research, and this study is expected to contribute to the activation of forest healing effect.
Forest Healing; Forest and Buddhism; Buddhist Healing; Buddhist Practice; Five Sense is Organ;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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