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An Effects of Organizational Cultural Perception Gap on Organizational Effectiveness: Examination of Psychological Mechanism  

Shin, Soo-Young (영남대학교 경영학과)
Park, Ji-Sung (충남대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between organizational cultural perception gap and organizational effectiveness. it has rarely been studied in the academia. The research of the organizational cultural perception gap provides entrepreneurs directions on how to manage a company. Since previous studies have been focused on cultural type or strength, this study aims to suggest managerial implication in detail by analyzing present-ideal gap. Furthermore, this study would discover how it is different according to a psychological mechanism. The empirical results of 134 employees showed that the organizational cultural perception gap (i.e. Clan) had a negative effect on job satisfaction and affective commitment. In order to reduce the negative effects of organizational cultural perception gap, it is necessary to reach an agreement with members on organizational culture, which is ideal for organizational level, and understanding the members' internal motivations is important for proper organizational management.
Organizational Culture; Cultural Gap; Job Satisfaction; Affective Commitment;
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