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An Analysis on the Predictor Keyword of Successful Aging: Focused on Data Mining  

Hong, Seo-Youn (순천향대학교 사회과학연구소)
Publication Information
This research is the association rule analysis using Apriori algorithm of data mining focusing on 32 predictive key words extracted from Hong (2019) affecting successful aging in Korea. And, to examine rules and patterns of those key words or predictive variables, this research used support, confidence, and lift. The data was analyzed with the R version 3. 5. 1 program, and visualized using arulesViz package and visNetwork. It was found that the variables highly associated with successful aging in Korea were 'hobby', 'volunteer service', 'preparation', and 'exercise'. This research concludes that, the variable which needs to be considered first of all for successful aging in Korea is 'hobby', followed by 'volunteer service', 'preparation', and 'exercise'.
Elderly; Successful Aging; Apriori; Association Rule Analysis;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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