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The Relationship between Academic Stress and Major Satisfaction of University Students: Factors Affecting Self-Effectiveness and Social Support  

Park, Hyo-Jin (경남정보대학교)
Yoo, Eun-Ju (경남정보대학교)
Lee, Hwa-Myung (경남정보대학교)
Publication Information
This study also examined the influence of academic stress on major satisfaction of college students and the influence of self-efficacy and social support. The subjects of this study were 320 students attending K university in B city. The 295 questionnaires were collected and 291 questionnaires were finally analyzed except for 4 questionnaires that were insufficient. Major satisfaction had a statistically significant negative correlation with academic stress, and major satisfaction had a statistically significant positive correlation with self-efficacy. Also, major satisfaction had a statistically significant positive correlation with social support. Finally, as a result of examining the effects of each factor, academic stress, self-efficacy, and social support had a significant effect on major satisfaction except for informational support in social support. In order to increase the satisfaction of college students, it is necessary to study the factors that can lower academic stress and develop the program accordingly. It is necessary to develop educational methods and programs that can increase self-efficacy and social support. This is considered to have a positive effect on the satisfaction of college students.
University Student; Academic Stress; Major Satisfaction Level; Self-efficacy; Social Support;
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  • Reference
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