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An Analysis of the Fake News Assessment Criteria on Fact-check Coverage  

Baek, Kanghui (한남대학교 정치.언론학과)
Publication Information
This study examines the fact-check coverage provided by the SNU fact-check center site( A total of 50 articles that were cross-checked by multiple news media organizations were analyzed. The study's variables were topics, types, characteristics, consistency of the news media organizations' judgement, and fact-check sources. This study found that fact-checking coverage was generally focused on presidential or general election candidates or politicians, as well as political topics. The types of fact-checking coverage primarily included factual information, as well as some opinions or interpretations. Fact-check coverage was mainly focused on the facts of the statements themselves, causal relationships, or the timing or target of the comparison criteria. On average, the fact-checking coverage most frequently assigned the judgment 'mostly false, and primarily used interviews of individuals or data from organizations involved in the issue, government data, and experts' statements as the bases for its fact-checking judgements.
Fake News; Fact-check; Cross-check; Assessment Criteria;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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