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The Difference on Perception of Restaurant Servers' Communication Competence between Customers and Workers: A Study on Communication Skill, Empathy Skill, and Satisfaction of Communication  

Lee, Sang-Hoon (국민대학교 미디어전공)
Ryu, Choonryul (국민대학교 미디어전공)
Publication Information
This study explored the impact of perceiving communication and empathy skills of workers in the food service industry on communication satisfaction. This study surveyed 715 customers and workers. First, the result showed that the higher the people thought communication skills of worker were, the higher they felt satisfaction on communication in restaurants for both customers and workers. Workers perceived their communication kills better than customers did. Second, the higher the people thought empathy skills of worker were, the higher they were satisfied on communication in restaurants for both customers and workers. Workers perceived their empathy kills better than customers did. Lastly, multiple regression analysis results showed that communication and empathy skills independently had the impact on communication satisfaction for customers. But only communication skills had the impact on satisfaction amongst workers. Maybe the impact of empathy skill was included with that of communication skills. This indicated that there existed the perceptual difference between customers and laborers about communication satisfaction.
Communication Skill; Empathy; Communication Satisfaction;
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