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Post Covid-19 Ecclesiology through a Review of the Five Essential Functions of the Church  

Je, Haejong (삼육대학교 신학과)
Publication Information
After the COVID-19 crisis, the world's terrain has changed completely to the extent that it has been divided before and after Corona. We are living in the era of new normals, things we never thought of before Corona19, such as wearing masks everywhere, maintaining social distance, sitting on one side in the cafeteria, and online face-to-face classes. Perhaps the most seriously affected by the COVID-19 incident is the church. How should the church respond to the various problems caused by COVID-19? This study intends to re-examine the five essential missions of the church in the post-Corona19 era. The five essences are the three essential functions of the intangible church: didake (teaching), kerygma (declaration), diakonia (service), and the two essential functions of the tangible church: koinonia (association) and leiturgia (worship). Of these, koinonia and leiturgia are the most seriously threatened by the restraint of face-to-face worship in the incident of COVID-19. In times of crisis, the church needs to strengthen its vertical koinonia with God in order to perform its didake function well and increase the efficiency of the horizontal koinonia among believers. However, in the situation where face-to-face worship is desired due to social distance, teaching and proclaiming the Bible is the most important part. For this, it is considered that a specialized ministry is needed to produce high quality contents.
COVID19; Didache; Kerygma; Diakonia; Koinonia; Leiturgia;
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  • Reference
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