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A New Search for Dance Space ; A comparative Study of Spaces between Theaters and Museums  

Park, Sung-Hye (한국예술종합학교)
Publication Information
As dance performances in the theater space are centered on text, they have plots and make characters stand out. They also emphasize expressivity and technique, and their recognition of space is very modern and typical of dichotomous Cartesian thinking. The museum space has many similarities with the theater space in that it is a result of modernity and granted authority to present arts. The performances in museums place value more on the presence than on the representation. For this reason, works in museums, which are frequently presented in recent years, are mainly works of site-specific or performative concepts. Now, rather than being able to obtain from aesthetics defined as works, the museum is assured its own aesthetic production and justification, paying attention to the performance as an event occurring now and here.
Space of Theater; Performances in Museum; Pung Jeong. Gag : in the 5th Dimension; Presence; Site-specific;
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  • Reference
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