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Film: Ending of a Story and an Open Ending  

Kim, Sam-Ryeok (한국예술원)
Publication Information
This study is an analysis of endings of films and open endings. Particularly, the key of this study is the investigation of the definition and interpretation of open endings. For this purpose, the 'ending' was defined first, and subsequently, endings were divided into 'closed' and 'open' endings with a goal pursuit model of David Howard and Robert McKee. Thus, it was found in this study that the thoughts of an audience as well as the intention of a creator are crucial in defining an ending. Although a story is designed by a creator, its interpretation is at the disposal of an audience in the end, and the audience may take an ending differently depending on their value system or interest in the story, which eventually leads to their own definition of the ending. For sure, a traditional fact is that most of films including those mentioned to have open endings have closed endings, and such a structure of stories will not change significantly in the future. However, the ending of a film designed to have a closed ending may be changed to be open ended depending on the intention of a creator or the thoughts of an audience, and furthermore, the intention of an open ending may not be readily accepted by an audience.
Film; Screenplay; Storytelling; Ending; Open Ending;
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  • Reference
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