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Design and Development on 2D Barcode Based Network Advertising Contents  

Shin, Hwan-Seob (한국기술교육대학교 산업경영학부)
Lee, Jae-Won (한국기술교육대학교 산업경영학부)
Publication Information
In recent decades, China's economy has grown rapidly and two-dimensional bar code-based payments services have been activated. This is a model that will be introduced by developing countries that lack mobile payment infrastructure, and countries that are looking to leap into cashless societies are also drawing attention. Along with this, the existing CRM market is expanding around the mobile device called m-CRM, and research is active on the importance of collective use for online advertising and two-dimensional bar code-based payments services. Therefore, through this study, we have explored the concepts and status of online advertising and customer relationship management which using the two-dimensional bar code-based system, and designed and implemented the method and mobile application system to effectively disseminate transactional advertising information at the point of sale or at the point of share. We also presented an application approach to look at the direction of two-dimensional bar code-based ads contents sharing system and its development.
Network Advertising; Online Advertisement; 2D Barcode; Point Of Sharing; CRM;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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