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The Effects of Favorable Responses to the Municipal Police System on the Private Security Confidence of the Police  

Shin, Jae-Hun (동국대학교 범죄학)
Kim, Sang-Woon (대구가톨릭대 경찰행정학과)
Publication Information
With the goal of enforcing a municipal police system in a national scale starting from 2021, the proposal for introducing municipal police system is promoted and the private security is spotlighted as the measure for supplementing the issues for municipal police system. To solve this issue, the method of promoting and actively utilizing the private security which served as an assistant for security service into the cooperator for security service is suggested as a practical method. To analyze how police's favorable attitude toward introduction of municipal police system influence on the favorable trust toward private security system, this study conducted a survey on front line police officers and analyzed the collected data through statistical technique. As a result, the police officers favorable to introduction of municipal police system also showed positive attitude toward private security and machine security. However, the survey didn't provide significant result on labor expense. In order for the private security service to be accepted as the cooperator for security service, it is necessary to solve the labor expense issue and strengthen trust on machine security.
Municipal Police System; Private Security; Local Autonomous Government; Security Service;
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  • Reference
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