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A Study of Representation of Jong-no and Bon-jung in Modern Boy and Assassination : Focusing on the Post-colonialism  

Chin, Su-Mee (동국대학교 영화영상학과)
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In this paper, I examined the representation of post-colonialism focusing on the spaces in Modern Boy and Assassination. These movies represented Bon-jung and Jong-no as a mixed-residence quarter, over the dual city theory, the orthodoxy of geography. It can be interpreted as the birth of a hybrid subject in post-colonialism. The representation of Bon-jong in Modern Boy was centered around Mitsukoshi Department Rooftop Garden, Namsan Music Center and Myeongdong Cathedral. The representation of Bon-jung in Assassination was centered around Anemone Cafe and Mitsukoshi Department Store. Set in the history of the new building the Japanese Government General of Korea in Jong-no, Modern Boy used it as a place of struggle. The representation of Jong-no in Assassination was centered around the mansion of Kang In-kuk, a pro-Japanese collaborator. Modern Boy and Assassination showed the post-colonialism that breaks through modern binary oppositions by a 'female' national heroine. describing Bon-jung as both a mixed-residence quarter and the original home of post-colonialism movement, they also showed a different aspect from the existing Kyung-sung representations.
Modern Boy; Assassination; Bon-jung; Jong-no; Post-colonialism;
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1, 2019.5.30.
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