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Research on Consumer Preference of Top Ten Mooncake Packaging Design in China  

Han, Jie-Peng (동서대학교 일반대학원 디자인학과)
Seo, Han-Sok (동서대학교 일반대학원 디자인학과)
Publication Information
Mooncakes are an important traditional food for the Mid-Autumn festival in many Asian countries, especially China. With the development of Chinese design, people pay more attention to the packaging design of mooncakes. Therefore, starting from the packaging design of mooncakes, this paper aims to study and analyze the preference of Chinese consumers for the packaging design of mooncakes and propose directional Suggestions for the packaging design of mooncakes. According to the market report of CNPP, the ten most popular mooncake brands in China are taken as the object, and four elements of packaging design, including brand, color, shape and material, are derived through preliminary research, and a questionnaire survey on the preferences of Chinese consumers is conducted. It is hoped that this paper can become the basic material for moon cake packaging design to improve consumers' preference, which will be helpful for specific packaging design schemes in the future.
Packaging Design; Mooncakes; Consumer Preference;
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  • Reference
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