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The Character Study on Lee Chang-Dong's  

Min, Hwanki (중앙대학교 예술대학 영화학과)
Moon, Jiwon (중앙대학교 예술대학 영화학과)
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is a movie about the frustration and the despair of young people in Korean society today. It is different from the previous Lee Chang-dong's film in that it provides the main character's perception and feelings about the world as the ultimate cause of the protagonist's actions. Lee Chang-dong's characters begin to change from . The main character of Burning goes one step further. He seems to believe that the main character's only weapon to overcome the logic and constraints of reality is obsessive and compulsive behaviors. Unlike previous movies, the character in Burning is a person who practices awareness and proves his character through action. I will analyze characters in to suggest the change of film form. Especially I will look at how the character's actions and the writer's own voice can meet and what results it bring about in this movie. It will lead to his changes in film form and an idea on the young people in Korean society today.
Lee Chang-Dong; Burning; Narrative Theory; Film Form; Character Study;
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  • Reference
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