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A Study on Pattern Language of Cultural Urban Regeneration -Focused on Henan-Sung of China-  

Fan, Dan Dan (동서대학교 일반대학원 디자인학과)
Kim, Se-Hwa (동서대학교 일반대학원 디자인학과)
Publication Information
China's urban regeneration, which has been focused on economic growth since the 1950's, has brought about the uniformity of cities. In order to improve on this, the urban regeneration policy has been transformed into a cultural city resource, which is promoting urban regeneration while utilizing the cultural characteristics of each region. However, the specific application methods are still lacking. In this study, I attempt to modify the apartment environment of the city, Hanan-sung, based on the pattern-language of Christopher Alexander, a space planning tool that can be used in urban regeneration. First, 23 patterns were chosen from the primary pattern-language. Next, I investigated the characteristics of the traditional housing culture of Hanan-sung through the literature review, surveyed the opinions of current apartment residents, and summarized the requirements. Finally, a new pattern-language was developed for the regeneration of the old apartments from the viewpoint of the culture, by modifying it according to the characteristics and requirements of housing culture of Hanan-sung which summarizes 23 pattern-languages.
Cultural Urban Regeneration; Henan-sung Housing Culture; Patter Language of Apartments;
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  • Reference
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