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Empirical Study of the Influences of Motives for Using SNS on Relational Capital of SNS and Continuous Usage of SNS  

Oh, Eun-Hae (대구한의대학교 통상경제학부)
Lee, Jeong-Hwa (대구한의대학교 글로벌관광학부)
Lee, Jeong-Ae (대구한의대학교 상담심리학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to empirically address the influences of motives for using SNS on relational bridging and relational bonding in SNS and motives for continuous use SNS by applying the concepts of bonding and bridging, defined in the social capital theory, and major motives for using SNS are classified into three categories-social, information, and recreation categories - based on the previous studies and the usage and gratification theories. Through this study, it was revealed that motives of all these three categories-social, information, and recreation categories-have significant influences over relational bridging and relational bonding in SNS while relational bridging and relational bonding in SNS have significant influences over consistent motives for using SNS so the hypothesis of this study is accepted. It was also proven that motives of all these three categories - social, information, and recreation categories-for using SNS are important factors for creating new communities or expand relationships with other SNS users sharing similar interests. In addition, it was found that SNS users constantly use SNS to build relationships that could create a strong bond between individuals and receive emotional supports when necessary and to expand its own network by creating new relationships with other SNS users.
SNS; Relational Capital; Bridging; Relational Bonding; Continuous Usage;
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  • Reference
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