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A Study on Influence of Terror Information on Fear of Terror  

Kim, Sang-Woon (대구가톨릭대학교 경찰행정학과)
Cho, Seung-A (대구가톨릭대학교 국제의료경영학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of terror information on fear of terror. This study examined how indirect delivery of terror information influence on the public's fear toward terror to identify the reason for fear toward terror and to analyze the varying influence based on the information type. Terror is an unjust way where individual or group with certain purpose use various types of violence such as murder, abduction, kidnapping, sniping, and plunder to raise social fear status and accomplish their own will. When terror occurs, many people show fear toward terror and they withdraw from all life activities due to fear. Thus, terror goes beyond creation of fear by using the violence. Instead, terror has a negative influence on people's lives in all social, economic, and cultural fields. This study examined how terror information influencing on indirect terror experience influences on the fear of terror. The result showed that both confirmed information and unconfirmed information influencing on indirect experience had significant influence on the fear of terror. Also, the result showed the unconfirmed terror information had higher influence on the fear compared to the confirmed information.
Terrorism; Terror; Fear of Crime; Terror Information; SNS; Official News;
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  • Reference
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