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An Empirical Study on Firefighters' Health Hazard Factors -Focused on Fire Fighters, Rescue Workers and Emergency Medical Technicians Perception in Busan Fire Fighters-  

Kwon, Seol A (충북대학교 국가위기관리연구소)
Lee, Min-Kyu (충북대학교 행정학과)
Park, Sang Ho (동의대학교 법학과)
Kim, Da Young (충북대학교 행정학과)
Ryu, Sang Il (동의대학교 소방방재행정학과)
Publication Information
This study is intended to provide basic data for health management of firefighters in the future by empirically looking into health hazard factors of firefighters in Busan City. It was revealed that firstly, the danger of harmful chemicals in a fire was perceived the most by firefighters, who extinguish a fire in person on the scene of a fire, and it was followed by the danger of falling while putting out a fire. This study is intended to provide basic data for health management of firefighters in the future by empirically looking into health hazard factors of firefighters in Busan City. It was revealed that firstly, the danger of harmful chemicals in a fire was perceived the most by firefighters, who extinguish a fire in person on the scene of a fire, and it was followed by the danger of falling while putting out a fire. Moreover, the danger of shift work was perceived the most by paramedics. This corresponds to the existing studies arguing that shift work is harmful to health. Next, the overload of patient transport was recognized as the second biggest hazard factor. This demonstrates they are worried about various second accidents that may happen due to a lot of patient transport works. In addition, the possibility of causing a traffic accident was perceived as a hazard factor too, since they must drive ambulance cars quickly to transport patients. Lastly, rescue workers regarded these hazard factors to be most dangerous. This is associated with their occupational characteristics, because rescue workers are the closest to diverse risks including a fire.
Firefighter; Health Problem; Hazard Factor; Occupational Disease; Danger;
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  • Reference
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