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A Comparative Study on the Elderly Welfare Act between the Korea and Japanese  

Lee, Doh-Hee (충남대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
The proportion of people aged 65 or older in the world's major advanced nations is increasing to a significant extent. Aging population causes various socioeconomic problems. One of the most important issues is the welfare of the elderly. Advanced foreign countries that have already experienced aging early are investing a lot of money or legal system to provide welfare services necessary for old age such as income security system for the elderly, health care service for the elderly, and long-term protection problems. The contents of the social welfare legislation including the welfare of the elderly are closely related to the society, politics, economy, and culture of each country. Both Korea and Japan are actively intervening in the social security of the nation based on the constitutional ideology. The elderly welfare Act is a time when more careful diagnosis is needed because it is in the process of establishing the basic direction based on human dignity and pursuing the most efficient way to achieve it in such an ideology and reality. Therefore, in this study, based on the Elderly Welfare Act of Japan, which is the selection country of aging, I would like to examine the implications for the Elderly Welfare Act in Korea.
Aged Society; Elderly Welfare Act;
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  • Reference
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