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A Study on the Activation Plans of Chinese Animation Industry  

Yan, Ni (세종대학교 경제통상학과)
Zhang, Meng-Ze (세종대학교 경제통상학과)
Bae, Ki-Hyung (세종대학교 경제통상학과)
Publication Information
The animation industry is an emerging and promising industry of the 21st century, characterized by a wide range of consumer segments, high market demand, and a long life cycle of products. The paper is aimed at examining the current situation of the animation industry of Korea, the U.S., China and Japan, analyzing the success factors and presenting measures for activation of problems in China's animation industry, and contributing to the promotion of China's animation policies in the future. To realize this goal, the study methods were adopted literature review by using Internet data, statistical data, reports, papers and academic journals which are related to the Chinese animation industry and presented methods for activation. The aviations as follows, firstly, it is suggested actively train creative men of animation for profession. Secondly, it is advised to encourage the creativity and originality of Chinese animation works through various ways. Thirdly, it is suggested to develop an industry chain of animation which is suitable for the market circumstances. Fourthly, it needs to expand its viewer and strengthen its reality in the form and content of animation works.
China; Animation; Cartoon; Factors for Success; Activaion;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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