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The Effects of Emotional Clarity and Perspective-taking on Communication of Married Persons  

Sohn, Ah-reum (호남대학교 상담심리학과)
Lim, Su-Jin (호남대학교 상담심리학과)
Publication Information
This study was to find out that the effects of emotional clarity and perspective-taking on communication of married persons targeting 206 peoples. It set the clarity of emotional recognition and perspective-taking as the independent variables and the communication as the dependent variable and verified them. The results revealed in this study are as follows. When looked at the correlation between the clarity of emotional recognition, perspective taking, and communication of married people, each variable showd close correlation. It showed that the communication of married people had a statistically significant effect to the clarity of emotional recognition and perspective taking through the multiple regression analysis. As above, the result of this study confirmed the clarity of emotional recognition and perspective taking as factors that affect to the communication. It confirmed that more positive and reasonable communication is possible when understand the emotion clearly and the perspective taking which is the ability of standing in other people's perspectives.
Clarity of Emotional Recognition; Perspective-taking; Communication; Married Persons;
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