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Representation of Male Character and Cinematic Space in 2000s Korean Division Films -Focusing on the , ,  

Yoo, Jae Eung (청운대학교 방송영화영상학과)
Publication Information
This article aimed at change patterns of representations of male character and cinematic space in 2000s korean division films. The concept of division film is the unique particularity film in the narrative and representation about Korean division. The Gancheop is the special character of korean films and have been reproduced in a variety of ways. In the past, Korean films have been dealt with Korean Civil War and 'special nature' of inter-korean ties. But in the 2000s, the representation of Gancheop in films has begun to change and filmed in a variety of genres such like comedy, thriller, romance and so on. , , are consistent with close relationship of male characters. The relationship is represented as friend, brother, partner. The meaning of these changes symbolizes our concept of national unification.
Division Film; Buddy Films; Gancheop(Korean Spy); Panmunjeom; Seoul; Pyongyang; ; ; ;
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  • Reference
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