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The Dialectic of Immersion and Fire in Traditional Puppetry : Focusing on Brecht's Theory of Effectiveness  

Choi, Bae-Suk (단국대학교 정책경영대학원 문화예술학과)
Publication Information
This study points out how the two conflicting elements of empathy and estrangement that constitute the dual structure of are incorporated by dialectic; finally, this paper explores the spontaneous estrangement effects' meaning and value on the point of view of reception aesthetics. As results of these studies, First, the Brechtian set of estrangement effects techniques showed that in it could function as an empathy technique for audiences. Second, the role of Sanbazi to increase the audience's participation was to produce both the immersion effect and the estrangement effect simultaneously. These double features of Sanbazi are dialectically incorporated and simultaneously bring about both the social reality reflection and enjoyment of the audience. Third, the puppetry is valid as not a way to describe reality but one of the ways to look at social reality. Conclusionally, in terms of producing counter-discourse, the puppet show has more extensible than any other form of performance with regard to expression.
Estrangement Effects; Immersion Strategy; Social Criticism; Comic; Dialectical Integration; Playfulness;
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  • Reference
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