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The Mediating Effect of Ex-offenders, Anger Expression between the in Childhood Trauma and Family Functioning  

Lee, A-Reum (성균관대학교 교육학과 외상심리건강연구소)
Kim, Ji-Yun (성균관대학교 교육학과 외상심리건강연구소)
Lee, Dong-Hun (성균관대학교 교육학과 외상심리건강연구소)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study was to confirm the characteristics of released prisoners through demographic and sociological variables and to investigate the effects of childhood traumatic experiences on family functioning and the mediating effects of anger expression method. For this purpose, Korea Rehabilitation Agency were selected and finally 400 released prisoners were analyzed. As a result, it appeared that anger expression method played a role of mediating variable when childhood trauma experience affects family functioning. Childhood trauma experience not only directly affects family functioning, but indirectly affects family functioning through anger expression method and the anger expression method played a role as partial mediating variable. Based on the results of this study, we emphasized the need for intervention and education for anger expression method in psychological counseling interventions to improve family functioning as a way to suppress the second offense of released prisoners with childhood abuse experience.
Released Prisoner; Childhood Trauma; Anger Expression(anger-control, anger-out, anger-in); Family Functioning;
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