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The Influence of Covert Narcissism on the Relation Addiction : Mediating Effect of Emotion Dysregulation and Perceived Social Support  

Kim, Se-Kwang (명지대학교 상담심리학과)
Hong, Hye-Young (명지대학교 상담심리학과)
Publication Information
This study aims to prove the mediating effect of emotion dysregulation and perceived social support in the relationship between covert narcissism on the relation addiction. The researchers surveyed college students for about 3 weeks through a questionnaire on college campus or with the help of their colleagues and professors. The subjects were 362 students. SPSS, AMOS and Mplus were used for statistical analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation analysis. The conclusions are as follows : First, emotion dysregulation, relation addiction and covert narcissism showed positive correlation and covert narcissism, emotion dysregulation, relation addiction and perceived social support showed a significant negative correlation. Second, it was found that after investigating the mediation effect of emotion dysregulation and perceived social support in the influence between covert narcissism and relation addiction, emotion dysregulation turned out to have a significant mediating effect while perceived social support did not. Third, dual mediating effect was significant in emotion dysregulation and perceived social support in the influence between covert narcissism and relation addiction. These findings proved that covert narcissism, emotion dysregulation, perceived social support are variables that effect relation addiction, and also clarified that emotion dysregulation is a strong mediating variable in the influence between covert narcissism and relation addiction. Finally, when counseling a client with the same tendency as covert narcissism, it gives an opportunity to be aware of the emotional problem and an opportunity to positively perceive its own social resources, so as not to reach interpersonal problems such as relationship addiction pointed out the need for an approach.
Covert Narcissism; Relation Addiction; Emotion Dysregulation; Perceived Social Support;
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