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The Search of the Value of the Humanistic Spirit through  

Lee, Sang-Min (가톨릭대학교 학부대학)
Publication Information
The purpose of this research is to discover the value of experiencing the humanistic spirit of sharing, consideration, sympathy, and communication through the mentoring program between different generations through the . The provides collective mentoring to menti to involuntarily participating mentees, prioritizing traits such as truthfulness, flexibility, and consideration for others. The sharing within the is the sharing of human traits, and displays the characteristics of volunteering. For better mutual connection and interdependence between the mentor and mentee, concentration, sympathy, understanding, and assurance is also needed. Also, sympathy is key trait that both mentors and mentees should possess, along with communication, the lacking of which causes the contradictions within our society and amplification of generational conflicts. Thus, the show the potential to become a unique mentoring program that uses culture and art to experience the humanistic spirit. Also, this program is valuable in that it provides the opportunity for the matured generation to contribute to the local community.
; Sharing; Caring; Empathy; Communication;
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  • Reference
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