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Aesthetic Features & Awareness Observed in Traditional Boots  

Lee, Jae-Young (평택대학교 패션디자인및브랜딩학과)
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Fashion is a cultural element expressing general and common aesthetic awareness in a relevant region in the relevant times. On the aspect that shoes are also a part of fashion reflecting the unique aesthetic awareness of Korea, this paper aims to analyze the aesthetic awareness contained in the aesthetic features observed in the traditional boots. The aesthetic features in terms of the form were the balanced usage of each element including curves, straight lines, simple shapes, contrast colors and materials, and the application and ideological significance as the symbol of social position and status in terms of the contents. Aesthetic awareness pursues the beauty of moderation through the compromise between curves and straight lines, as both elements accept each other's features and keep balance without inclination to one element. Next, solid and void are naturally expressed by appropriately adjusting the expression on colors, materials and shapes through the harmony of composure and techniques. While traditional boots were used as the sign indicating social position and status as the unity of spirit and a thing, they pursue the value of rhythmic vitality by giving spiritual meaning to a thing.
Boots; Aesthetic Awareness; Curves and Straight Lines; Composure and Techniques; Spirit and a Thing;
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  • Reference
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