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Dementia Prevention Programs among Koreans: A Systematic Review  

Kim, Suk-Sun (이화여자대학교 간호대학)
Jo, Hyun-Mi (전주비전대학교 간호학부)
Publication Information
Due to the increasing global prevalence of dementia, such as Alzheimer disease, there is a growing public health concern about its prevention. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review for a narrative synthesis and critical appraisal of current published research related to dementia prevention programs among Koreans. To conduct a systematic review, the data bases KoreaMed, Riss4u and 9 Nursing Journals were searched using the key words dementia prevention and cognitive function. Articles published between 2000~2014 and related to dementia prevention programs were reviewed. Two hundred-fifty references were searched but only 29 studies met our inclusion criteria to review. We found that dementia prevention programs focused on: exercise, 11 studies (37.9%); multi-therapy, 9 studies (31.0%); and cognitive enhancement activity, 4 studies(13.8%). The majority of studies (n=19, 65.5%) included adults over 65 while two studies targeted adults over 75. The current literature indicates that future research is needed to develop and provide appropriate and effective dementia prevention programs among Korean older adults.
Aged; Dementia; Systematic Review;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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