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The Effect of Television Romance Drama on Viewers' Fantasy of Idealistic Marriage  

Piao, Ying-Shun (국민대학교 언론정보학부)
Na, Eun-Kyung (국민대학교 언론정보학부)
Publication Information
Increasing rate of late or deferred marriage in our society may have been inferred from alleged contribution of media use on people's idealistic expectations about marriage. This study examined the relationship between Korean-Chinese romance drama viewing and various sub-concepts of idealistic fantasy about marriage. Results from survey analysis indicate that although romance drama viewing has a positive association with life satisfaction, it was positively associated with various aspects of idealistic marriage fantasy (i.e., less materialism in marriage, more belief in love at first sight, and more unrealistic expectations on marriage). Further, differential cultivation effects of Korea and Chinese romance dramas were discussed.
Romance Drama; Marriage Fantasy; Cultivation; Perceived Realism;
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  • Reference
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