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The Effect of Problem-posing Activities on the Affective Domain of Mathematics  

Oh, Yeongsu (정읍여자중학교)
Jeon, Youngju (전북대학교 수학교육과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 'problem posing from mathematical problems' on the students' affective domain of mathematics, and to conduct evaluation and management of teachers' respectively. The quantitative and qualitative approaches were combined to analyze the changes in the affective achievement of all the students and individual students in the study. The conclusions of this study are as follows: First, problem-posing class improved the problem-solving ability and meaningful experience in the learning activity itself, thus improving students' self-confidence, interest, value, and desire to learn. Second, The students' affective domain of mathematics should be emphasized, and systematic evaluation and management should be carried out from the first grade of middle school to high school senior in mathematics. Third, it is necessary to present and disseminate them in detail on the national-level to evaluation system and method of affective domain of mathematics. Therefore, the teacher should actively implement the problem-posing teaching and learning in the classroom lesson and help students' affective achievement. and teachers need to measure and manage the affective achievement of all students on a regular basis.
Problem-posing; Affective Domain of Mathematics(Self-confidence, Value, Interest, Desire to Learn);
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