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A Study on the Effects of the Building's Attractiveness and the Transportation Infrastructure on the Customer's Satisfaction : Centered with the Effects of Medical Integration  

Kim, Duck Ki (건국대학교 대학원)
Shim, Gyo-Eon (건국대학교 부동산학과)
Publication Information
This research refers to the importance of health care in relation to the establishment of health care facilities and health care facilities in the rapidly changing health care environment, and the influence of health care in relation to the customer's satisfaction with health care. Orthographic analysis First, a hypothesis was adopted that the attractiveness of building materials will affect the positive (+) impact of the customer's satisfaction. Second, the hypothesis that the transport infrastructure will have a significant impact on the customer's satisfaction with the customer's satisfaction has been denied. Third, the hypothesis that the building appeal will have a significant effect on the health of the medical industry is adopted. Fourth, the hypothesis that the transport infrastructure will have a significant impact on health care is adopted. Fifth, the hypothesis that medical integration will have a significant impact on the customer's satisfaction with the customer's satisfaction is adopted. Sixth, the hypothesis that the relationship between the building and the customer's satisfaction in relation to the relationship between the client and the client was found to be partly attributable to the fact that there was a partial role. The assumption that the relationship between the transport infrastructure and the customer's satisfaction in relation to the traffic infrastructure was established has been identified as a complete parameter. The results of this study could be applied to provide the basis for selecting the location for future health care facilities.
Hospital Location; Attractiveness of Hospital Building Design; Customer' Satisfaction; Medicalindividualizationl; Hospital Selection Factor; Hospital Choice Factor; Management Performance; Location Marketability;
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  • Reference
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