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Storytelling of Korean Virtual Reality Game Fiction  

Kim, Hu-In (이화여자대학교 융합콘텐츠학과)
Lee, Minhee (이화여자대학교 융합콘텐츠학과)
Han, Hye-Won (이화여자대학교 융합콘텐츠학과)
Publication Information
This study aims to analyze remediation of games and fictions in Korean virtual reality game fictions and to derive the storytelling of virtual reality game fictions through them. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities that Korean game fiction based on the web can be expanded as popular literature. The main character of the fiction is a male in his twenties. In the neoliberal society, he is set as a member of the neglected class and lacking privilege. He enters the virtual world because of the deficiency experienced in the real world. It minimizes the mediation process between the real world and the interface. On the other hand, the repetitive actions performed by the protagonist belong to the category of self - destructive labor. As a result, he shows signs of narcissism. In the Korean virtual reality game fiction, the magic circle appears blurred, and the real world and the virtual world are linked. In this process, the virtual world functions as a substitute space to solve the problem of reality. The establishment of such a space, and the resolution of conflicts are merely narrative characteristics of Korean game fictions that are different from North America and Europe.
Virtual Reality; Game Fiction; Game Storytelling; Achievement Orientation; Narcissism; Virtuality;
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  • Reference
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