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The Qualitative Analysis on Experiences of Caregiving Middle-aged Woman's Biological Parents  

Park, Jong-Hwan (삼육대학교 상담심리학과)
Shin, Seung-Ok (삼육대학교 상담심리학과)
Publication Information
Ten middle-aged women who support their biological parents have been interviewed to investigate their experiences of caregiving their parents. As a qualitative research method, data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed by Colaizzi's phenomenological method. Consequently 244 meaningful sentences were selected from the collected interview data and then were sorted into 67 meaningful sentences and, consequently into 9 sub-themes. Finally four high-level themes are wrapped through the summarizing process. The first theme is motivation of caregiving. Inevitable cases are most common for caregiving their biological parents. And, general responsibilities to their parents are also deduced as a motivation of caregiving. The second theme is a psychological phenomenon of middle-aged women while they provide consistent caregiving their biological parents even though they have some troubles with their parents. The third theme is meaning of caregiving. For some women, caregiving their biological parents is their own happiness and gratitude such as lifelong gifts. The final theme is influence of caregiving. Further understanding their parents, and more distinct prospecting their future lives are unexpected fruits from the caregiving their biological parents.
Middle-aged Women; Caregiving Elderly Biological Parents; Experiences of Caregiving; Qualitative Analysis;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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