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Repetition and Inertia of Policy Failure -Focusing on the Case of Yangyang International Airport  

Heo, Hyeok (연세대학교 정치외교학과)
Choi, Seonmi (연세대학교 행정학과 SSK 미래정부 연구센터)
Publication Information
This study analyzed the repeated causes of policy failure focusing on Yangyang International Airport cases. Yangyang International Airport, which opened in 2002, was built with about 360 billion won, but it is considered as a representative example of policy failure of local airports. According to the policy failure theory, the failure factors of Yangyang International Airport are anlyzed by rationalistic, political, and environmental complexity viewpoint. The results are as follows. First, from a rationalist point of view, Yangyang Airport failed to achieve the policy goal of securing passengers and revitalizing local economy, This is due to the pressure of politics and the lack of geographical infrastructure. Second, the failure of the stakeholders to resolve conflicts in the flow of politics can be seen as the conflict between the airline and the airport, and the failure to reconcile conflicts between the government and the airports on the low cost airline permits and subsidies. Third, from the viewpoint of environmental complexity, Yangyang International Airport can be regarded as a failure to adapt to environmental changes such as the opening of nearby expressways and railway lines, and the sharp decline of Chinese tourists. This study sugeests the establishment of an independent organization that can prevent unreasonable business promotion by politics in the case of large scale national projects, the linkage with the surrounding infrastructure and related businesses in the case of transportation facilities such as airports and railways, and institutionalization of cooperative governance for coordinating conflict among stakeholders.
Policy Falure; A Transportation Policy; National Project;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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