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A Study on the Expression Recognition of the Experience of the Sinmyung and the Movement in the Korean Dance of College Students Majoring in Musical: A Qualitative  

Jeong, Tae-seon (순천향대학교 대학원)
Ahn, Byoung-Soon (순천향대학교 대학원)
Publication Information
The purpose of this paper is to study on the elements of the Sinmyung and the expression recognition of body movement in Korean dance of college students majoring in musical. The participants were 12 male and female college students in musical major who experienced in dance, song and acting. The program was composed of the experience of the Sinmyung: recognition of sound and dance, breathing and movement in the Korean dance, 8 hours twice a week for four weeks. As a qualitative approach is the discovery of the center of the process, we carried out an inductive analysis of the area on the basis of observation, in-depth interview and student report. The core of this analysis is to attempt to analyze contents concentrating on the recognition exploration of the Sinmyung sentiment and the body expression through sound and breathing. In conclusion, for college students majoring in musical, the expression recognition of the experience of the Sinmyung and the movement in the Korean dance contributes to the improvement of creative thinking through body perception, and the practical use of the capacity of image expression through concentration of sound and breathing. Finally, the results of this research could articulate with the value of body expression and the creative factors of college students majoring in musical.
Musical; Korean Dance; The Experience of the Sinmyung; Sound and Breathing; The Expression Recognition; Qualitative Approach;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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